Nod Structures
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Nod Structures |
Power Plant Power Plants supply power to all structures in a base. Without enough power, structures will either not function at all or will function in a reduced capacity. Hand of Nod The Hand of Nod is where Nod infantry units are trained. The Hand of Nod is also a prerequisite to building base defences. Nod Radar A Radar Installation allows commanders to view the battlefield and the relative locations of friendly and enemy units. In order for the Radar view to remain active, the Radar Installation must be constantly powered. Nod War Factory This structure allows for the construction of vehicles. Certian advanced vehicles require additional structures before they can be built by a War Factory. Advanced Power Plant The Advanced Power Plant functions exactly like a regular Power Plant in that it generates power and supplies it to a base. However, due to its greater size and effinciency, an Advanced Power Plant generates twice as much power as a regular power plant. Laser The Laser is Nod's main base defence. Like its larger cousin the Obelisk of Light, the laser fires a focused laser beam at enemy units. Recent Advancements in laser technology allow the laser to generate its own power so that it can remain operational during low power conditions. Obelisk of Light The Obelisk of Light is a frighteningly powerful weapon. It has undergone significant improvement since it was last seen on the battlefield. Power output has been increased and a few units can survive a a single hit from an obelisk laser bolt. SAM Site The Surface to Air Missile site, or SAM site, is the primary defence against enemy aircraft. It can only be used against flying units. Nod Tech Centre The Tech Centre is where Nod conducts high tech weapons research. This structure is required prior to the construction of certian high tech units and structures. Stealth Generator The Stealth generator can cloak all units and structures in a large area. The base will remain cloaked until until the stealth generator is turned off, however if a base has low power the generator will not function. Base defences and units under the effect will uncloak only when firing or leaving the area of effect. Al units exiting from a War Factory or Hand of Nod and Harvesters exiting a refinery will be visible briefly before the stealth generator adjusts and cloaks them. Temple of Nod This is where Nod continues its Tiberium experiments and conducts cutting-edge research. Construction of the Temple enables the Hunter-Seeker drone and allows the recruitment of the Cyborg Commando and the Mutant Hijaker. Nod Helipad The Helipad allows for the construction and re-arming of the Bansheeand Harpy aircraft. Without the landing pad, aircraft cannot be constructed and not be re-armed when returning from attack. Tiberium Waste Facility The Tiberium waste facility serves as the drop-off point for the Weed Eater unit. This structure refines and concentratesharvested Tiberium Veins for use in the Chemical Missile. Laser Fencing Laser Fencing consists of emitter posts that project a continuous laser beam between one another, effectively stopping vehicles and infantry. Laser fencing requirs external power to remain online. Missile Silo The Missile Silo allows Nod to launch long range weapons at an enemy, specifically a Cluster Missile or Chemical Missile. |