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The Brotherhood of Nod

Historically, Nod forces have been strong - because thier leader is strong. Nod soldiers take thier cue from the ruthlessness of Kane and his commanders - the cold Commander Slavik and the cunning propagandist Oxanna.

Nod forces are equally strengthened by thier willingness to engage with unbelivable force, thier cruel tatics and sophisticated Tiberium-derived weaponry. Nod Soldiers are willing to die for thier leader and for thier cause. Traditionally composed of third world renegades, Nod forces often have nothing to loose.

Consequently, the Brotherhood of Nod is a cruel clan, equally violent toward friend and foe. Fuelled by a long history, Nod has earned a reputation for employing violence and fear in order to achieve thier objectives. GDI intelligence has difficulty keeping up with the rapid shifting of rank within Nod's command structure as treachery and assassination is often to key to career advancement.

The exception, of course, is the totalitarian control of Kane. Nothing will stop Kane and his loyalists, Slavik and Oxanna, in thier persuit to conquer GDI and control the world.

Nod Structures

Nod Units
