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7 vs 1

This was a game I had where it was 7 of us vs l3az, although l3az was able to use his trainers in this game.
Date Taken: 10 / 9 / 01


I was the first person l3az picked on in this game as i started right next to him, just my look! ffs!


CptBuddah's walls to stop l3az's Feinds, come on Cpt we said only l3az can use cheats during that game, and yes that does include the "build anywhere cheat". lol


imstorey's base is in the purple, eventually he took out l3az's Con Yard and War with Orca fighters which spelt the end for l3az's reign - well done mate. Help was at hand from CptBuddah, covboys and UKdemonUK.

My Missile Bombardment


I forgot to press tab therefore theres no proof thier my missiles, but trust me they were, on map Purple Tiberium Moon.



Grrrggm8's Mammoth MK II destroying ctony's Con Yard


Well Well Well, come on ColdPlaya we cant be having that sort of behaviour now can we.


Look how much pride and care imstorey (grandma49) takes in playing TS he even found the time in the middle of a game to send me this note...